Thursday, October 17, 2024



   Alexandria was a city named after Alexander.  In Hebrew the name is Shelamziyyon.  It means "peace of Zion" or  "wholeness of Zion".  In Greek Alexandria is Alexándreia ( Αλεξάνδρεια).  It was a prominent city that played a role in the development of Christianity.  It was the hot spot to get the word out throughout the Roman Empire.  Many translations of God's Word were produced there.
    The story of Alexandria begins in the Bible with Stephen.  He was a man full of God's grace and power.  He followed in Jesus' footsteps like a good disciple.  That meant that the religious leaders hated him like they hated Jesus.  One day a man from the synagogue stood to debate with Stephen.  There were men from Alexandria there that became witnesses.  It was decided that no one should stand against wisdom or the Holy Spirit because no one could win a debate against Stephen.
    Some time later a Jew named Apollos arrived in Ephesus.  He was well spoken and educated in scripture.  He had come from Alexandrian in Egypt.  He had been taught the way of Jesus and was enthusiastic to tell others about him.  The only problem was he only knew about the baptism.  He was not aware of Jesus sacrifice or resurrection.  Priscilla and Aquila boldly went to him to explain the full story, so that he could speak the full truth.  He became a good helper of the Way.  
    Paul was sailing to Rome.  He had a guard that was kind named Julius.  When they docked at Sidon, Julius let Paul come ashore to allow his friends to see him and take care of his needs.  They they headed back out to sea and a strong storm hit them.  They stayed away from shore to avoid beaching.  They came across a ship from Alexandria headed to Italy.  Since their boat had taken such a beating, Paul was put on that ship to get him to Rome.
    Paul still found himself shipwrecked.  Three month later, he found himself on another Alexandrian ship.  They stopped in Syracuse for three days, then moved on to Rhegium, then Puteoli.  There Paul met some believers who invited Paul's group to spend a week with them, so they did.  From there Paul finally made it to Rome.
    Following God is never predictable.  You never know where it will take you or who you will meet.  You never know what will come from the encounters and how it will impact people's lives.  The point is to hold onto your faith, walk with Jesus, and thank Him for every moment that you have.

Acts 6:8-10, 18:24-26, 27:3-6, & 28:11-14

Wednesday, October 16, 2024



    Alexander is a Greek name (Aléxandros) that means "defending men" or "warrior".   In Hebrew the name is Magen which means "defender".  The most famous Alexander is Alexander the Great.  He was a Macedonian king in the fourth century.  He became famous for his military conquest.  
    In the Bible the name Alexander does not reference fame, but it is still significant.  The first Alexander is mentioned when Jesus was carrying his crucifix to the place of skulls called Golgotha.   He was too weak from the abuse to do it on his own.  The guards grabbed Simon the Cyrenian to make him help Jesus carry the crucifix.  Simon was the father to Alexander and Rufus.  They were from northern Africa.  It is believed that they were witnesses at the scene.  It would have left a lasting impression on them.  
    The religious leaders met in Jerusalem.  Among the leaders present was Annas (the high priest), Caiaphas, John, and Alexander.  Alexander is believed to be a relative of Annas.  He is the second Alexander mentioned in the Bible.  The group brought in two disciples of Jesus to interrogate about their power.  One of the disciples was Peter.  The power in question was gifted to them by the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name.
    Christians have to fight for their relationship with Jesus.  The difference is that we have to fight well.  That means using our mind, wit, guidance of the Holy Spirit, and scripture.  It is not to be done in violence.  We know this because Jesus was never violent toward people.  We are to fight like he fought to have a clear conscience.  Fight faithfully or you will insult the faith like Hymenaeus and Alexander did.  This is the third Alexander mentioned.  You fight dirty and it reveals that you do not belong to Jesus and you will be given over to Satan for the crime of blaspheme against God.  God does this while you are alive, so you have time to learn your lesson and change.
    The final Alexander mentioned was a coppersmith.  He did much evil, but it doesn't specify in what way.  The bible declared that he was handed over to God's judgment.  He may be the same Alexander in 1 Timothy.  We do know that he fought against the truth of Jesus by arguing against everything Paul and his fellow missionaries said.

Mark 15:21-23, Acts 4:5-7, 1 Timothy 1:18-20, 2 Timothy 4:14-15

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



    Alien in Hebrew is zar (זָר).  It means stranger, foreigner, or outsider.  In Greek it is allodapós ( αλλοδαπός).  In Greek it stands for foreigner.  The Bible uses the word ger which is another Hebrew word that appears 22 times.  The English word alien comes from the Latin word alienus for foreigner.  Basically it was someone who was not your family.
    One evening when Abram went to bed a terrifying darkness set in.  God spoke to him saying that his people would be aliens in a land where they would be oppressed for 400 years.  God wanted to comfort Abram by also saying the oppressors would be punished and his people would have great wealth.  Then God told him that he would die at an old age in peace.  After four generations, his people would return to that spot.  Even God's people are aliens.  They had no home for many years and had to fight for it.
    Moses was an alien when he met and married his wife.  Her father took him in and gave him a home and name.  He began a family.  He was an alien, but he was settling well in a new life.  He would have probably stayed there the rest of his life had God said no, you have a bigger purpose in this life and sent him back to his people.
    God gave his people a lot of laws on how to live.  Most were to be clean.  Some may feel over the top, but they all served a purpose to keep people clean, healthy, and close to God.  For an example we are not to eat anything that has died a natural death.  It died for a reason and if you ate it, then you could die from the same thing.  You can give or sale to the aliens that live among you because they may not live by the same standards.
     Aliens are normally tiny groups in a foreign place.  They wonder around trying to find their home.  Do not touch them.  Do not allow them to influence your holy lifestyle.  Do not oppress them, but do not let them oppress you either.  
    The people that are aliens from God are considered evil.  Do not let them influence you away from God.  Do not allow them to fool you into becoming a wicked person.  If you have been a fool, then turn from your evil ways back to God.  Only then will God show you mercy.  The title Christian holds no power.  It is your relationship with God that holds the power.  Do not exploit aliens, orphans, or widows.  Do not murder or worship idols.  It only harms yourself.  If you ignore God's warning, then you will deal with His judgment.
   Gentiles were aliens until they became followers of Jesus.  They lived apart from Christ and were already under God's judgment.  Everyone who does not follow Jesus is alien to God.  You do not have citizenship in Heaven.  You can't buy, bribe, or sneak in.  You have to be a citizen to enter Heaven.  Once you become a real Christian, then you become a citizen through the blood of Jesus.  Leave the aliens alone because they already live under God's judgment.  They can't take your peace.
    Living by faith enables you to do supernatural things to save people, justice, and live by God's promises.  It turns weakness into strength.  As you battle aliens that do not understand, remember so you do not lose heart.  Place your hope in what aliens can't take from you: eternity in Heaven.  

Genesis 15:12-16, Exodus 2:21-22, Deuteronomy 14:21, Psalm 105:12-15, Jeremiah 7:1-6, Ephesians 2:11-13, & Hebrew 11:32-35

Monday, October 14, 2024



    Alert is erani (עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός).  When used in the Bible, alert is related to being watchful, alert, or careful.  It is not just the physical state.  It is related to mentally and spiritually too.  The heart is to be alert.  You take action through prayer.
    No one knows the day that God will return.  That is why Jesus commanded us to stay alert.  It is your soul at stake.  No one will rob your house if they know you are prepared.  You need the same watchfulness for Jesus' return.  Watching for Jesus keeps you from all sorts of pain and suffering.
    Keep your heart guarded, so that you can stand firm in your faith.  Be courageous and strong, so that you can do all things in love.  Being alert means you are prepared.  Being aware keeps you from needing to close down your heart.  Instead, you trust the Holy Spirit enough to give all yours cares and concerns over to Him.  He will help you stay alert in your faith.  He helps you persevere.
    Stay alert because your enemy is hunting you.  Satan prowls the world looking for anyone he can devour.  Don't let that be you.  Stand firm in your faith.  Turn to your family of believers when you feel weak or tired.  Help each other endure and avoid suffering.  Be sober, vigilant, and steadfast to succeed.

Matthew 24:42-44, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Ephesians 6:18, & 1 Peter 5:8-9

Sunday, October 13, 2024



    Alarmed in Hebrew is mevohel (מבוהל).  It is used in the terms of being shocked or shaken.  In Greek it is Anisychiménos (Ανησυχημένος).  It is used in terms of to worry or afraid of something.  It references being startled, in a state of terror, and horror.  In the Bible alarmed is to be terrified or amazed.  It actually derived from the Greek word ekthambeō.  So like English, there are a lot of words in other languages that can reference similar things.
    Jesus warmed not to be deceived.  That means you need to know and understand core truth.  This is truth that does not change.  There are no gray areas.  Many people call themselves Christians or followers of Jesus, but they come with their own purpose and agenda.  You need to know who Jesus really is so that you will not be deceived.
    If you allow people to deceive you, then you are vulnerable to war, mischief in your life, and destruction of peace.  However, Jesus also said do not be alarmed.  This has to take place when the time is right.  Nations will go against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms.  The Earth will battle itself with earthquakes and storms.  It will be a time when everything alive will suffer, but it is the beginning of the end.
     The evening Jesus was arrested, he took all his apostles except Judas to the Garden of Gethsemane.  He ordered them to sit and pray.  Then, he took Peter, James, and John a little further to watch over him.  Maybe because they were the leaders among the 12 or maybe the human relationship was closer with those three.  
    They had had a great meal and it was late.  They all fell asleep.  They didn't seem to notice that Jesus was deeply troubled and distressed.  They should have been alarmed.  They should have stayed alert, but they didn't realize that everything was changing.  They didn't understand that their whole world would change in a few short hours.  None of us live in a state of alarm because we never know when things will change in an instant.
    We are not to be alarmed by trials in life.  If something strange happens, then find your joy in seeking His glory.  If you are insulted for following Jesus, then consider yourself blessed.  If you suffer for sins, then you are receiving your judgment.  That should bring shame.  However, if you suffer in Jesus' name, then it is a privilege.  It means you will not face judgment like the world.  Allow that to encourage you to trust God and act in a manner that He finds pleasing.  He will never fail you.  Rejoice in that truth without shame.
Mark 13:5-8, 14:32-33, 1 Peter 4:12-19

Saturday, October 12, 2024



    Alarm is a state of alertness.  It is when you are aware, watchful, and paying careful attention to what is going on around you.  You are tense due to a warning or loud sudden noise.  Alarm can cause fear, disturbance, excite you, calls attention, awakens you, or provides warming.
    Alarm can cause a physical reaction. It can put your heart into a flutter, race, or cause pain.  Jeremiah heard his enemies cry.  He knew it was going to happen, but when it did he still went into a state of alarm because no one wants to hear war cries.  He knew the desolation that was happening and how much would be destroyed.  It was crushing.  All because God's people would not recognize Him as God.  The alarm of war is soul crushing.  Do not be foolish and seek the evils of war.  Instead be wise and seek knowledge.
    The people that are not God's people will not inherit eternity in Heaven.  People that worship other gods, including self, will not be a part of God's family.  One day, sooner than any of us think, God will sound his alarm for battle.  The world will become a desolate place of ruins.  Cities will burn.  God will take back what is His.  God was talking about the Ammonites in this passage, but Revelations reaffirms that this will happen to entire world one day.  It does not pay to ignore God.
    The alarm was sounded in Jerusalem on the Holy Mountain.  It was an alarm for fear and trembling because the day of the Lord was upon the nation.  When God comes in wrath it brings darkness and gloom.  The clouds are thick and black.  There will be a sudden dawn that spreads across the mountains. as a great and mighty arm appears.   It was a vision never seen before.  It is an army that will make the strongest people look weak..  God's judgment brings destruction.  We should all be alarmed by that truth.  It is time to wake up and get our lives and souls in order.

Jeremiah 4:19-22, 49:1-2, & Joel 2:1-2

Friday, October 11, 2024



    Alabaster is a white color.  In the Bible is a white marble like stone used to make perfumes, oils, & ointments.  It was used because it was a hard crystalline stone that would keep fine things like oil from spoiling.  It would have a wax seal, so it would keep the perfume from leaking or loosing it's smell over time.  Solomon liked it to decorate which means it was practical and beautiful.  Appreciate the beauty that God has put in front of you. 
   Two days before the Passover Jesus was in Bethany.   He was in the home of Simon, a man healed of leprosy.  While he was eating a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar full of expensive perfume made from the essence of nard.  She opened the jar and poured the whole jar over Jesus' head.  
    Some of Jesus' disciples were indignant thinking it was wasteful.  I mean it was worth a small fortune, so think of all the ways the money could have been spent.  It was worth a year's income.  Instead of thinking monetary, take what God has given you to use in loving service.  
    Jesus however had a clearer perspective.  He would not let his disciples criticize the woman.  Yes the money could have been spent on the poor, but there will always be poor people.  He told them to help the poor when and where they could, but He would not always be among them.  
    Her act of love had prepared his body for burial, so her deed will never be forgotten.  We will never know her name, but we remember her deed.   Acts of love mean more than spending money to try to fix a solution.  Do not do things to have personal glory, get attention, or to be remembered.  Do good things out of serving God and loving people.  

Matthew 26:6-12 & Mark 14:1-9


     Alexandria was a city named after Alexander.  In Hebrew the name is  Shelamziyyon.  It means "peace of Zion" or  "wholen...