Thursday, August 29, 2024

Confessed Sin


    When you confess your sins to God with a contrite heart that grieves over that sin, then you are forgiven by God.  It starts with realizing you are a sinner that needs God's redemption, then after that it is a cleansing process like taking a shower.  The point is that sin should grieve your heart.  If it does not, then you need to take a good look at yourself and figure out why.
    When you confess your sins to God and forsake them, your life starts to prosper in a way that is good for your heart and soul.  It does not mean that you may not still have to face the consequences for what you have done in life, but the burden of the sin is gone and you can start getting closer to God.  
    It takes humility and honesty to really face your sins and take ownership for what you have done.  When your heart breaks and you have true remorse for your sins you are acknowledging that you are a sinner.  You are ready for change and that starts with confession to God.  You don't have to go to a priest or make a show out of it.  It can be as simple as sitting at home or going to your knees in your private space to talk to God.  
    Confessed sin always starts with aligning your heart with God enough to agree that sin is sin.  The next step is choosing to stop sinning.  When you confess with this revelation in your heart, then you are justified by Jesus.  
    You stop playing games and take responsibility over your life choices and take action to change.  It does not mean that you will never slip again, but this particular sin will no longer have possession over you.  It will stop being a part of your life.  You are no longer playing games with God because you are taking ownership of your rebellious nature.
    It is time to clean house in your soul.  Pray over any sin that has a hold over you.  If you have already broken those bonds, then it is time to pray for God to reveal any hidden sins.  When He does reveal them to you, then it is time to get rid of them.  Once you confess your sins, you are cleansed from them.  They no longer exist in your life record.
    Sin ultimately makes you miserable, but when you confess you find a new confidence in God.  Finding the hidden sins and repenting provides healing for long infected soul wounds.  The scars of life start to fade as the burden that sin placed on them is removed.  Guilt no longer has the power to crush you because it is replaced with God's glory.
    Spiritual cleansing is empowering because unlike with people who will not forget your past, God removes it from you completely.  The truth is revived in you.  You are accredited on judgment day.  People may need some time to see your change, but it will impact other people too.  It may just open the doors for you to be able to show them the way to Jesus.

Psalm 32, Matthew 6:5-18, Mark 11:22-25, Luke 17:1-4, & Ephesians 1:3-8

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