Saturday, January 4, 2020

Jesus's Preparation

     During the week that Jesus was in Jerusalem before He was killed, He accomplished a lot.  However, He always made time for people.  He stopped to eat at a leper's house.  There a woman came to Him with very expensive bottle of pure nard (perfume).  She poured it over His head and unknowingly began the anointing process of making Him the sacrificial lamb.
     Some people rebuked the act because it appeared like a waste of money.  However, Jesus defended her and declared that she would never be forgotten because of her faithful act.  This made Judas angry enough to become the trigger for his betrayal. 
     Jesus' last supper as a free man was in a strangers house.  The stranger prepared a place for them and made them comfortable.  At the dinner, Jesus told the group of friends that He knew He was going to be betrayed and by whom.  This placed self-doubt in each of the true friends.  Then He demonstrated what later became the last supper tradition done in churches.
     Jesus warned His friends how they would respond when it all went down.  The reactions were different, but they all left to go pray in one of Jesus' favorite places.  He was greatly troubled and probably just wanted a little comfort.  Unfortunately, that night every one of His friends disappointed Him.  The catch is that He was not angry.  He was more concerned about what would happen to them when He was not there.  In the end, it is what motivated them to change and become pillars of the church.

Mark 14

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