Friday, December 20, 2019


     Jesus was put on a barbaric wooden cross.  It was a horribly painful way to die of suffocation.  It was saved for the worst of the criminals.  Yet, there Jesus was with two such criminals.  He talked to God as God turned His back on Jesus.  It is too much to ask a parent to watch their child suffer in such a way.  The Trinity had never been separated, nor will be separated again, except in that moment of time.
     As Jesus hung on the cross, there came a darkness over the land.  I think it represents God turning His back.  His visible shadow covering the land.  For Satan, it may signify his belief that he had finally won.  However, we all know that Satan was actually defeated that day.  When Jesus surrendered His spirit, death was defeated.  
     The moment that His spirit left His body, God tore the veil that separated people from Him.  It was the veil that separated the most Holy Place from the people.  It represented where God resided.  It is significant because at that moment, the people could now come to God without going through a priest.  Prayer took a whole new level of intimacy.
     Another significant aspect was the earthquake that happened at the same time.  It broke open tombs and many people rose from the dead.  These miracles had many people believe that day.  It is tragic that it takes tragedy for people to turn to God.  
     The Marys and some other loyal women came together to take care of Jesus' body.  It needed to be prepared for burial before the Sabbath began.  Joseph, a wealthy man, gave up his tomb for Jesus to be buried in.  He was an unknown disciple.  Jesus' body was given over to them, but guards were posted and a huge stone placed in front of the tomb, so no one could steal the body.  They had heard the claim that Jesus would raise in three days.  They did not believe, but they thought his disciples would take to body to get a movement started.

Matthew 27: 45-66

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