Thursday, December 19, 2019

Ironic Mockery

     When the soldiers beat Jesus, they took His clothes and dressed in in their idea of royalty.  Then they got a bunch of huge thorns and twisted them into a crown.  They shoved that crown into His head.  Jesus was basically torn apart before He ever made the arduous journey to Golgotha (Place of Skulls) where He was crucified. 
     The soldiers did this to mock Him.  Maybe they wanted to feel like they had power than they actually had or make themselves feel more important than they really were.  Jesus' response reveals His love.  He could of had them killed on the spot.  He could have called down angels to release havoc, but He stayed in control.  It also reveals that His idea of importance (titles and roles) are not the same as societies.  His behavior is the behavior of a true and strong king.
     Before the soldiers escorted Jesus to the road, they dressed Jesus back into His clothes.  He carried His own cross on His mutilated back until the weight became physically too much.  A man, Simon the Cyrene, was forced to help Jesus carry the load.  I am not sure what kind of blessing was bestowed upon Simon, but I am sure He was rewarded by God somehow. 
     The leaders were passive-aggressive in their approach, but their sarcasm was felt.  They placed a sign above Jesus' head that read "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews".  They had in in three languages, so everyone would know what they Jews did to Jesus, not the Romans.  They just let it happen.
     On each side of Jesus was an actual criminals (robbers).  They must have stolen something of great value to be killed in the most horrific way of their time.  One insulted Jesus, while the other accepted his fate and who Jesus was. 
     People going by threw out their insults.  It seems like when people get together in an unorganized group, the worst parts of them come out.  I don't think most of them even understood what it was all about.  They were mocking Jesus, but the irony is God was watching and listening.  Had Jesus not prayed for them, I believe that God would have struck down some sort of vengeance upon them once Jesus was dead.

Matthew 27: 27-44

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