Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cost of Following

     There is always a cost to follow someone.  It is usually the cost of doing things your way.  However, most leaders are following someone too.  The cost of following Jesus is a path of continual sacrifice, but with the knowledge that your eternal life will be rewarded.
     When you start to think that the cost of following Jesus has become too high, just remember what He went through.  Do you deserve to have it better than Jesus?  He suffered in ways that we hopefully will never fully understand. 
     To follow Jesus is to obey our leaders and laws here on Earth.  That includes paying your taxes.  It may feel like an unfair price, but He never promised that life would be fair.  However, by paying your taxes without any bitterness is a way to worship Him.  He never takes anything that He can not restore or replace.  If you pay your taxes and tithe with a glad heart, then watch how your money stretches in ways it never had before.
     Remember the laws of this world are not an eternal issue.  That means they are not subjects worth arguing over.  Do right here and now.  None of this will follow you into Heaven.  In Heaven, we are all equal.  Things will be fair there.
     The greatest commandment that God gave us is to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  The love will grow and overflow, so that you are able to love everyone else equal to yourself.  Love is the secret to following Jesus.  Real love is not flashy.  It is giving what you have, when you have it.  Love is acts of faith.  It is putting other people above your wants and desires. 

Mark 12

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      God created you for a purpose.  That purpose is not to waste your life, but live it fully with Him.  Every single aspect of your life ...