Monday, January 13, 2020


     People tend to think that it is only a life of sacrifice to follow Jesus.  A life following Jesus does require sacrifice, but it is also a life of abundance.  One day, Jesus climbed in the boat of Simon (Peter) after they had been out fishing all night without a catch.  After speaking to the people, He told Simon to let down his nets.  The nets were so full that they began to break and they had to call for help.  The boats became so full that they began to sink.  This scared Simon. 
     The same goes for today.  When God blesses us and sometimes we are afraid of what it must mean, but He is just trying to do something good for you.  That day, Jesus was showing Simon how to become a fisher of men.  It requires leaving the past in the past and following Him where you are right here and now to discover true abundance. 
     Jesus gives abundantly.  One way that He gives is by healing, so people can become a testimony.  Abundance can come in the form of good friends that are willing to make sacrifices for you.  They can help you heal, find joy, and develop faith.  Praise God for good friends.
     Jesus went to a tax collector, named Levi, and told him to follow ME.  He left everything in that moment to follow Jesus.  Levi saw Jesus' worth and held a feast in gratitude with all his old friends.  The Pharisees complained because Jesus is supposed to be a holy man, but He ate with sinners.  When you think you have everything, then you have no room for Jesus to give you an abundant life.  We have to repent to see righteousness. You have to get over tradition to let faith rule, then you can see how it brings abundance to your life.

Luke 5

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