Friday, March 3, 2023

Why Give?


        When God set the standards for living our lives, it began with putting Him first.  That included tithing.  You work out what tithing is for you (10% of net income, 10% gross income, giving to missions/charities/church).  The how you give is personal between you and God, but the the important thing is you put actions behind your words.  This is why giving is a ministry: Stewardship.
    When we give what God cares most about is our motivation in giving.  He gave us the gift of grace though salvation.  His motivation was love, not to buy your loyalty.  If we want to live by grace then that means we have to face trials like Jesus.  We can't give grace unless we really understand what it is and we can't really understand grace until we need it most.
    Grace provides overflowing joy in your heart and will motivate you to give generously.  God will not even acknowledge your giving if it to make you look good or feel better about who you are.  When you give it needs to be out of love, brokenness, or genuine desire to help someone less fortunate than you.   Giving is more than money.  It is your time and energy too.  Giving generously plants spiritual seeds.
    When you give you are acknowledging that the whole world is not about you.  You change because you have abounding love in your heart to serve God.  People may not react as you may expect, but ultimately you serve because you love God and the people, not to get rewarded.  There is no room for greed in this service.   It flows from the heart more than a sense of duty.
    Take the time to work on what you do not excel at: faith, speech, knowledge, earnestness, love, or grace of giving.  Test your sincerity of love, so that your gifts will be acceptable to God.  Once you know your heart is in the right place, start giving willingly.  Giving should not be done out of guilt, pressure, or to look good.  Take pains to do what is right in the eyes of God, then people. 
    Give generously without holding a grudge.  You will only receive in life as much as you are willing to give, so don't hold back.  Logic tells you this is not true, but God tells you it is fact.  Give on all occasions and become rich in every way that matters.  Give with thanksgiving for what God has blessed you with because you are not only giving to people, but to God.  God's will to give will always surpass your own.  It is an indescribable gift to be generous by nature.  It is worth learning how to express yourself through giving like Jesus gave.

2 Corinthians 9

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