Thursday, March 2, 2023

Gift of Administration


    If is important to know and understand your spiritual gifts so that you can give the best of your self to God.  It starts with purity.  To get closer to God you have to remove all contamination of your soul and mind from your body, so that you can be reverently holy.  Open your heart with confidence so you can embrace grace that triumphs over affliction, poverty, or sin.
    Be encouraged by your relationship with Jesus to really dig into your spiritual gift or gifts.  That way when troubles come you can still find joy.  You still have a purpose and a job to do even when the world around you is falling apart.  Take the time to build a strong relationship with Jesus, so that you can excel in faith, speech, knowledge, and pure love.  Together these produce grace.  Diligence produces genuine love even for people that you may not like.
    Fear is normal, but God can take it away and add comfort to the mix.  He is there for the defeated, but we have to do our part and overcome our fear.  Things or people in life may hurt your feelings, but only let it be for a little while.  Take it for what it is worth and move on.  The pain is worth it if it leads you toward repentance.  
    Financial stewardship is a ministry that a lot of people in administration handle.  It has to be handled with public accountability to honor God.  This means administrators need a deep seeded integrity.  How to handle money has always been an important factor in the Christian world.  If it is ever mishandled,  then it is  mishandling God's ministry.
    The gift of administration is seeing what needs to be done or happen, then organizing it to make it come to life.  It is getting a lot of information and putting it together where other people can understand.  It is kind of like a middle man gift.  You don't always have prophecy or things to set things into motion and you may not have the ability to put the plan into action, but you can organize and align everything or communicate between the seers and doers.
    Administration can display Godly sorrow that will lead people to repentance of their sins.  Administrators can lead people to salvation just as well as the evangelist.  It is just done in a different format.  It all comes down to living a life of love and being able to show it to the world by being a messenger of Christ.    
    Worldly sorrow leads to death, but Godly sorrow produces earnestness, eagerness, alertness, a longing heart, concern for others, desire for justice, and pursuit of purity.  An administrator will use this to be encouraged and to encourage other people.  We have the responsibility to refresh one another in obedience and build confidence in salvation.

2 Corinthians 8

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