Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Joy in Repentance


    Have you ever done something that does not produce anything good in your life, but you just don't know how to let it go.  It could be addiction, bad habit, or even just something that always seems to be.  When you let it go, it is like a breath of fresh air.  You never really knew how much it was weighing you down until the weight was gone.  
    That is what repentance of sin does for the soul.   It takes all the burden away and allows you to breath easier.  That gives you the ability to make certain mistakes right.  It never happens over night, but you start learning how to repent quicker and quicker to be able to keep that peace in your heart and soul.
    Repentance cleanses you from every impurity of the body and spirit through holy completion that comes from faith in God and fearing making Him unhappy.  Life will always have hurt, death, sorrow, and pain.  However, it also has rejoicing, beauty, goodness, and love.  Be careful who you allow to get close to you because no matter what they will affect your worldview.  
    Be watchful over your life so you do not corrupt, take advantage, or wrong anyone along your life journey.  Enjoy living among other Christians, so you can be a church.  Encourage one another instead of hurting or tearing down anyone.  
    Allow affection to flow freely, so you can comfort each other.  It is okay to grieve each other a little if it produces repentance, but not to make someone lower than you.  If grief produces repentance that leads to salvation, then it is worth it to have someone saved from eternal death.  The desire affect is always to be aligned with God's design.  Allow repentance to refresh you and give you comfort.  Live your life with confidence because of your relationship with God.

2 Corinthians 7

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