Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Separation to God


    Salvation is what keeps us from being separated from God for eternity.  Life on earth without him is lonely enough.  I can't imagine what type of loneliness eternity would be without Him.  The gift is so easy to take, so why do so many people never take it?
    Salvation came in His timing.  Does that mean that all the people before Jesus came to earth went to hell?  No.  Salvation before Jesus took work, but it was possible.  We just have so much easier, but it almost seems like it is harder to get people into heaven.  
    One reason why people never accept Jesus is that they don't hear about him.  They do not see him in the lives of the Christians around them.  We are the stumbling block to Jesus.  We need to take personal responsibility to be the light of Jesus to the world or you discredit the ministry of Jesus.  People need to see Jesus in you.
    Work on your relationship with Jesus and people will see Him.  It is not going out there to be a preacher or display.  It is done by living a normal life and allowing Him to flow out of you through your words and actions.  This takes great endurance because the world is not going to make it easy on you.  Satan will ensure that your triggers are hit to make you anxious, depressed, angry, or any other thing to stop your personal life ministry.
    Push through your troubles, hardships, distress, abuse, imprisonment for faith, riots, hard work, sleeplessness, hunger, discomfort, or anything else that can become a stumbling block for you.  Pursue purity, understanding, patience, kindness, and sincere love on a daily basis.  This is where God will shine through you.  
    Through the Holy Spirit speak truth about the power of God through righteous living.  Disregard Satan by living a life of honor without slander and pursue the truth.  Grieve over the dying, but rejoice over an enriched life.  Keep your heart wide open and speak from your heart.
    Do not join your life with a person that is not a believer because marriage is a partnership.  It is not equal if you marry someone that doesn't understand where you are coming from.  It adds unnecessary burden into your life.  It doesn't work at the foundation, so nothing sturdy can be built.  God is your foundation without him, the marriage will never work properly.  
    We are frail without God.  That means marriage is frail without God.  This applies to business and close relationships too.  They are incompatible spiritually.  Can a Christian be friends with Satan or his servants?  That is the point.  Your mind and your body is God's temple.  Do you want wickedness to enter your temple?  You can have a life with them now, but you would be eternally separated just like they are eternally separated from God.

2 Corinthians 6

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