Saturday, December 21, 2019

Historic Moment

     I understand that it can be hard to believe, really believe, that Jesus rose Himself from the dead.  We live in the age where miraculous things happen so often that it no longer has a awe impact.  Doctors bring people back from the dead all the time.  It is great for those it impacts directly, but it no longer impacts the whole world.  However, Jesus changed everything.  His rising should still leave chills inside up with excitement.
     Jesus is the one and only to bring Himself back.  It changed all of history.  God's angel left heaven to go to Jesus' tomb.  When the angel came down there was another earthquake.  He appeared like lightning and rolled back the stone.  There he sat waiting because Jesus was already gone. 
     You can imagine what this did to the guards.  They were scared to the point that they passed out.  When the women arrived to take care of Jesus' body (after the Sabbath, when you couldn't touch the dead), the angel told them not to be afraid.  He had them observe the tomb and go tell His disciples that it was empty because Jesus had risen! 
     When the guards revived, some went to tell the priest what had happened.  The soldiers were paid off to stay quiet about the truth.  They were to tell people that the disciples stole the body.  Jesus had to be dead for them to be victorious.  Does that sound familiar?  Satan needed Jesus to be dead for him to be victorious. 
     The disciples worshiped this historic miracle when they found Jesus in Galilee.  To this day, nothing compares.  Jesus proved that He has authority over heaven and earth.  He told His friends to go make disciples throughout the world.  Start at home and move out.  Once people come to faith, they need to be baptized, then taught what it is to be a Christian. 
     Jesus promised to be with them always.  That promise reaches out to us. Anyone that follows Him, He will be with for eternity.  When you feel alone, specially during the holiday season, remember that promise.  You are never alone, Jesus is just not a loud speaker.

Matthew 28

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