Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Forgiveness Part 3


    We all have a desire to be happy, but we don't all know how to be happy.  A key factor in finding happiness in life is learning how to put in the work.  You have to work toward happiness starting with forgiveness.  You will never find happiness if you can't forgive.  It is a decision and an attitude to reflect God.
    Most people are unhappy no matter what is going on in their lives.  They are unhappy because they are not at peace.  They fill the void with lots of activities and things to distract them, but it will only work for so long.  Eventually you will always have to face yourself, your choices, and your attitude.  
    Real happiness is finding joy in all situations.  That will only happen if you look to God and see all that He has blessed you with right now and in your entire life.  No one has a perfect life, but some people hold real joy.  Those are people that know gratitude.  They understand that you need to feel things for detection, but not allow your emotions to run your life.
    Forgiveness is a choice.  Unforgiveness is a sin.  Jesus covered all sins, so that you can truly forgive those that hurt, betray, or seek to destroy you.  It is not easy, but you can do it.  Sin, transgressions, and iniquity all need to be confessed to God to take the first step in forgiving others and yourself.  Keeping it silent doesn't change the fact that God knows, but it does reveal a rebellious heart that tries to hide their sin.  This heart will never find peace because it is revolting against God.
    Sin is when you miss the mark in God's standards.  A sinful heart will distort and twist the truth to try to make what they are doing okay, but it is always sin.  Sinful people try to hide by pretending sin is not sin or try to cover it up.  God is not fooled.
    Guilt will manifest stealing all joy and happiness over time.  The longer you try to hide it, the harder it is to face and the more it steals from your soul.  In time, it will affect you physically through illness, anxiety, depression, and constant unrest.  Your soul will feel heavy as you move further and further from God.  
    Seek forgiveness from God and the people you wrong.  If you hurt yourself, then seek to find forgiveness with yourself.  It is the only way to find joy, peace, and eventually true happiness.  You can be happy even when it feels impossible.  Just remember that happiness is an emotion.  It is situational, but joy is something that will always be there if you choose to humbly follow Jesus with a thankful heart.

Psalm 32, Luke 6:37-42, John 1:19-28, & Colossians 3:12-15

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