Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Heart for God


    Your heart reveals a lot about the person that you are.  If it is full of pride, then you lift yourself up.  If it is humble, then you lift God up.  The point is that you are suppose to take care of each other while growing in your relationship with God.  Sin will fertilize pride and blacks out God in your heart.  It is a struggle because the heart is naturally sinful.  It is only when you turn it over to God that you learn a new way to use your heart.
    A heart that beats for God learns how to speak to God instead of self-talk.  Don't get me wrong speaking God's truth about your value to yourself is important, but going to God about your issues first is more important.  Don't rely on your own understanding.  Ask God to reveal to you what you need each day and think about what He reveals.  Mull over it and apply it to how it to your mindset and attitude.
    Do not believe in Satan's lies.  He will convince you that there is no God or that you are your own god.  If you believe in God, then Satan will make you feel like God is far away, tyrant, or the evil one instead of Satan.  He will twist and manipulate the truth for anyone who will allow him to influence their mind.  He will make the heart even more evil.
    Don't give Satan room in your mind or heart.  Remember to give God the credit where His credit is due.  He is the source of all power, not you or Satan.  Satan is powerful, but only to the degree that God allows.  You are powerful in the fact that you have a mind that can think through things and make logical decisions.  However, your power in life is a gift from God too.
    Life is a mystery.  We don't fully understand how it all works, but that is okay.  We know the source, reason, and enough to see God's hand in it.  We have our memories to remind us of all the good He has done in and around our lives.  We have our experiences to be our testimony of God's majesty.  
    If you want to know where a person's heart stands, then look at how they spend their money and invest their time.  The money that you give, invest, and spend make up a trail of what matters in your heart.  The time you invest into things or life reveal what motivates you.  Your treasures live in your heart whether good or evil.  What do you want your life to produce?

Deuteronomy 8:11-20, Psalm 119:9-16, Proverbs 4:23, Mark 12:18-27, & 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

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