Monday, August 26, 2024

God the Living God


    When you understand who God is, it is easy to depend on Him in the good times and the bad times.  However, most people tend to forget to be grateful and invest in the relationship in the good times.  God warns us not to forget about Him for any reason.  Spiritual amnesia leaves you vulnerable to Satan's attacks in many ways.  The recovery time can be extensive and take serious spiritual therapy.
    The Laws and regulations found in the OT still hold value today.  God created them for our good.  Jesus referenced many to heighten their validity and show us how to do obey them better.  If God said it, then it never looses value.  
    You can't argue with God's logic because it is so much better than your own.  He created logic and Satan twisted it.  If you can get back to pure logic, then God's way makes sense.  You need God, His logic, and love to fight temptation and keep from allowing Satan to twist your mind.
    You can know your Bible and still not know God.  When you know your Bible and you know God, then the Bible holds power.  His presence is within the Book, but you have to allow it to wash over you as you read it.
    God is behind everything.  We are not the originator of anything.  If you are creative, then that is because God made you that way.  You choose how to use your creativeness, but He is still the original creative factor in the world.  
    Remember to trust God no matter what your eyes see and your ears hear that can drive fear or doubt into your heart.  Believe that the hungry will find their fulfillment.  Believer that the people who bless others are finding blessings along the way.  Believe that blessings will be fulfilled when they are directed by God.  
    No matter how little or how much you have, don't forget to depend on God.  When you have a little, then look for how God will provide.  When you have a lot don't forget how it is a gift and blessing.  It can disappear in no time, but you still have God.  Depend on Him and not the blessings that have been given.

Deuteronomy 8:6-20, Jeremiah 10:10, John 14:1-6, Romans 8:26-30, & 2 Peter 1:12-15

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