Saturday, July 18, 2020

Being Summoned Part 3

    When you choose not to rebel against a summon it can leave the opportunity to gain wisdom.  God may bless you for your obedience.  After all, he places people in certain situations or positions for a reason.  It can also help you understand other people's motives, mind set, and strategy.  Just because you appear for a summon, does not mean that you have to do whatever the person wants.  Balaam didn't.
    God was pleased that Balaam blessed His nation instead of cursing it.  Balaam's eyes had been opened.  He was able to see God with His people.  He blessed them three times when he was supposed to curse them.  Of course King Balak was angry.  The king ordered the oracle to go home before he could cause the king anymore problems.
    Before Balaam left, God had him warn the king of what would happen if he continued on this path of hate.  God warned him of Jacob's strength and the land would be conquered.  Jericho would be destroyed and all the inhabitants killed.  
    Balaam also warned the king of other places that would be destroyed because of his leadership.  His leadership led to hate, division, ruin, and death.  If Balaam followed, then he too would be destroyed.  He went home and King Balak went his way.
    We can respond to a summon, but we need God's guidance to know how to navigate the currants of the the situation.  The closer you are to God the easier it is to hear Him and know how to go.  To those watching, it may look like you are swimming through life.  To stay close to God it may require you walking away from destructive relationships.

Numbers 24: 15-25

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