Thursday, December 26, 2019

Jesus is Stronger

     There was a man possessed by an evil spirit.  The evil was so strong that no one could contain the man.  He must have looked like a monster with broken chains hanging off him and cuts all over him.  Yet, when Jesus came around the evil became scared.  He begged that Jesus would not torture him.    
     Jesus asked for the demon's name and it said legion, which means many.  Jesus drove the legion of evil spirits into a nearby herd of pigs.  There was 2,000 pigs in the herd.  When the demons were in the pigs it drove them mad and they ran off a steep bank into the sea where they all drowned. 
     You would think that the local people would be grateful that the scary man had been returned to them normal.  The threat was gone.  God overcame evil.  However, it only scared them even more.  At least they understood the evil.  They could not wrap their minds around what Jesus was or where His power came from.  They asked Him to leave.  Can you imagine the blessings they could have received had they accepted Him?
     Jesus has the power to heal any sickness.  He can raise anyone whom He chooses from the dead.  It is not hard for Him.  His power is beyond our complete understanding.  We get some understanding through our faith.  Our faith gives us the power to help ourselves and others too.  It makes us stronger like Jesus.  He allows this because He doesn't enjoy suffering.

Mark 5

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