Monday, January 6, 2020

Unexpected Surprise

     The day after the Sabbath, the women that loved Jesus went to His tomb.  It would of been a Sunday morning.  They were surprised to find that the rock shutting His body into His tomb had been rolled away.  In the midst of their shock they entered the tomb to find a man in white sitting where Jesus' body had been.  He told them not to be alarmed because Jesus had risen.  They were sent to go tell Jesus' friends to meet Jesus in Galilee, especially Peter.  They were terrified and fled.  They were too afraid to tell anyone. 
     Mary Magdalene saw Jesus a little later.  She told people that He was alive.  Yet, no one believed her.  Jesus then appeared to two others and the disciples still did not believe.  Jesus then ate with them to rebuke their lack of faith.  They had stubbornly refused to believe that He was alive.  He rebuked them for needing to see Him to believe.
     Jesus told them what He expected next.  They were to become what we now call missionaries.  They were to tell the world that He still lives.  This news is salvation or condemnation.  Those who believe will have the power to drive out demons, speak in tongues, handle snakes (Paul), drink poison without death, and lay hands on people to heal them.  After Jesus gave them His last decree, He went back to Heaven still alive.  There He still sits at God's right hand for eternity.


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