Sunday, April 5, 2020

Gift of People


      When you are in pain in life, no matter what kind, God sometimes send you people to make it easier to bare.  It depends on who you are as to how the people will come to you.  He knows your personality.  He knows what you need.  He knows when you need it the most.  Some people will come and just sit with you, never saying a word.  Others will distract you and take your mind off of the pain.  There are many love languages and ways to have different people connect.
     When Sarah died, Abraham was an old man, about 140.  He was in no position to find Isaac a wife, so he sent his trusted servant with the most with the important task.  He sent Nahor to his home country to find Isaac someone worthy (not a local Canaanite).  He did not want Isaac going himself.  Maybe they had a rocky relationship and Abraham was worried that Isaac would not return.  Or maybe he depended on Isaac for the crops.  The reason Isaac did not go is unknown, but Abraham trusted God to send an angel to prepare Isaac's wife.  
     Nahor got to Abraham's hometown at dusk.  Before entering, he prayed for guidance and a specific sign to know which woman was chosen by God to be Isaac's wife.  Before he finished his prayer, Rebekah appeared.  She was Abraham's great niece and a beautiful virgin.  They talked just a little, then she had her brother, Laban, prepare Nahor a place to stay the night.  When they discovered why he had come, Rebekah was more than willing to go and her family were happy to give her into such a prosperous marriage.  They left the next day.  
     When Rebekah arrived in the early evening, she saw Isaac walking in the field.  It was love at first sight on both accounts.  They were married that night.  It is a bit fast, but when God sets things up then the events fall into place and everything seems to happen very quickly.  It takes years sometimes to line everything just right.  Who knows just how long Abraham and Sarah had prayed over Isaac's wife.  Rebekah came into his life with he needed comforting the most.  This relationship would be so very different than the one he had with his mother, but at the same time it would have the feminine softness that he was needing.

Genesis 24

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