Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Leaders Advance

    True leaders are not self-appointed.  They do not go around trying to get votes, recognition, or rally people to support them.  They are chosen by their peers because they have something that others can't deny is there.  They have earned respect, if not popularity.  A true leader does not have to demand respect.
    The Israelites had wondered in the wilderness for 40 years under one of the world's best leaders.  He bore so much for these people including being denied to enter the promised land.  It was time to pass the torch to the next set of leaders.  The younger, but not youthful, set of men that had been prepared over the years. Those whom advanced into the leadership roles would lead the people into that promised land.
    Moses took some time to reflect and recognize what he had done and what still needed to be done.  He had kept thousands of people safe and united for more than 40 years since the escape from Egypt.  Some did die, but that was because of sin, not Moses.
    Moses appointed the new leaders to their roles.  He provided commanders, judges, and tribal leaders.  He sent 12 new spies to go scout the land to see what had changed in 40 years.  When then returned, he told them to go claim it.  No hesitation.  No counsel.  No second guessing this time.  It was time to act.  There was no time for fear or discouragement.
    Moses spoke to all the people to encourage them.  He pointed out that God goes before His people.  He was preparing a way.  He will carry His people.  If they did not trust, then it was an act of rebellion.  Last time they had angered God, they lost an entire generation.  It was time for this generation to do better.  
    We can't ignore God and expect blessings.  We can't chose leaders just because we like them.  We can't stop leaders just because we do not like them.  We have to let whom God chooses lead.  If they mess up, then they have to face God.  

Deuteronomy 1

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