Thursday, September 10, 2020

Being Defeated Part 2


    Have you ever been defeated?  I am not talking about losing at something or having something taken from you.  I mean being at a point where you see no other options other to admit that this is reality.  It can mental, emotional, or physical.  It is a hard place to be.  It can take you to some dark places if you allow it.
    The kings of the promised land felt defeated.  Some fought even though they knew they would not win.  Some hid and died publicly.  Some tried to pretend that nothing would change.  Some put their people at risk to save their own pride.  Every kind of reaction to defeat was basically put in the book of Joshua.  At this point Joshua had killed 31 Kings already.  That speaks volumns about defeat to those who are not on the side of God.
    The question you have to ask yourself is:  What kind of person do I want to be.  The character that you show when you are defeated goes a long way toward what could happen next.  If it becomes a part of you, then you will never be able to lift your head and always think people are out to get you.  If you turn to God and embrace the fact that life is horrible right now, but nothing ever stays the same, then you can anticipate better days around the corner.

Joshua 12

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