Saturday, September 26, 2020

Humbling Circumstances


    Have you ever found yourself in a situation that makes you feel a few feet smaller than what you are?  It could be a moment where you are not as beautiful, smart, or powerful as you think you are.  It can also be certain things in your life that may make you feel not as important as other people: income, popularity, fashion, family, or something else.
    Gideon knew what it was to feel unimportant in the world.  He began in very humbling circumstances, but he became one of the strongest Judges in the Israelite history.
    After Deborah died the people went back to being human.  The natural human way is evil in God's eyes, so He handed them over to the Medianites (the people who once were their allies), Amalekites, and Qedemites.  They destroyed the Israelite's efforts at every turn.  Nothing that could give a person pride was left.  They were poor and their spirit broken.
    God sent one of His angels.  The angel sat under a tree watching Gideon thresh his wheat in a wine press.  He was attempting not to be seen working or the Midianites could come and take all the bounty from his work.  
    Gideon was startled when he noticed the angel (thinking he was a man).  He was even more in shock when the angel called him a mighty warrior.  That declaration changed Gideon's life.  We have power with words to bless or curse people.  Gideon didn't feel like a warrior.  He felt weak, but that proves that feelings don't change facts.  
    God took time to build Gideon up, so that he would become this mighty warrior.  It began by tearing down the Baal altar which was the main religion in his region even among his own people.  He did it in the shadows of the night, so not to be killed by the people.  The next day the people were so angry that he became Jerub-Baal.  it means let Baal contend with him.  
    Gideon used this situation to rally the people to fight for God.  He was still insecure, so he asked God for signs to prove that they would be victorious.  God gave him what he needed.  Gideon came from the smallest of the Israelite tribes (Manasseh).  He was the youngest of his brothers.  No one expected anything out of him.  He was in circumstances where normally things don't get better.  However, that was not to be his story.

Judges 6

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