Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The World Stops


    The world stopping is a scientific impossibility.  If it did then life would cease in the matter of minutes.  However, with God anything is possible.  He created the world to literally function the way it does for a reason.  I don't need to know what that reason is, but I do know that it is intricately made.  It is beautiful.
    There are moments in life where the world does seem to stop.  It is usually due to trauma or some sort of incident where it takes the brain a moment to catch up.  It can be that we want the world to stop because things are just too much, too painful to face.
    The kings of the promised land were resentful of the inhabitants of Gibeon for making the treaty with the Hebrews.  They were so angry that they decided to attack the city.  Joshua had made a treaty, so the Israelites had to come to the rescue.  We don't get to chose when to keep our word.  If we make a vow, then we have to do it.  Joshua took the five kings by surprise.  
    God faught for Israel for honoring their word.  He provided hail.  Joshua's faith was so strong that he asked God to have the sun and moon stand still and God did.  This gave Gibeon the time they needed to avenge themselves.  
    The five kings hid in a cave in Makkedah.  Joshua had his men role rocks in front of the cave entombing them for a month.  They covered all the escape routes where the kings would never make it home.  Once the five united armies were destroyed, they moved on conquering all the cities along the way and leaving no survivors.   They were already seeing the consequences of that.  When they were done, they returned to Gilgal.
    God and Joshua fought for Israel.  When you have faith, anything is possible.  God will allow the impossible to happen for those that pursue Him.  The world did not stop, but God did allow the day to prolong to serve a purpose.  

Joshua 10

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