Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What Next? Part 2


    After something horrible happens it changes your entire life and perspective.  After Gideon died, one of his sons caused a small civil war.  His leadership harmed the entire nation causing division instead.  How does a nation, family, or your own life move forward after a life changing event.
    Abimelech was murdered to bring closure to his harmful leadership.  After that Tola became God's judge.  He lead for 23 years.  His whole job was to bring healing and unity to the nation.
    Jair came after Tola.  He lead 22 years.  He had 30 sons and was so wealthy that they each had their own donkey.  That would be like each son having their own sports car.  He gave each of his sons control over a city.  It was a good strategy to keep the brothers from becoming like Gideon's sons.  He continued where Tola left off in trying to bring unity and to make the nation strong.
    The nation chose to turn to false gods and forsaken God.  God taught them a lesson by allowing them to become slaves for 18 years.  The nation had fallen greatly in a 200-300 year period since Joshua.  God was tired of the yo-yo games where His people only turned to Him while they were in pain and ignored Him when life was good.  
    When they rid their lives of any evidence of another god, God listened and He helped them.  You can't have life your way and His way.  It is a deliberate choice.  There are good leaders and bad leaders, but it is still your individual choice on how you want to live your life.

Judges 10

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