Friday, October 2, 2020

Being Left Out


    Do you know the people that like to be left alone, but not left out?  These people do not want to deal with other people's problems, but they get their feelings hurt when people do not ask them for their advice or help.  It never feels good to be excluded, but there is no reason to be hypersensitive.
    The Ephraimites got their feelings hurt because they were not called to join the battle.  They got so mad at the Gileadites for excluding them that they planned on burning down Jephthah's house with him in it for his disrespect.
    Jephthah confronted them honestly.  He pointed out that when they had been asked to help in he struggle last time, that they did not come to help.  He assumed that they would not help again.  In reality they probably would not of helped, they just wanted to be asked.  It was a time of crisis, so Jephthah went to God for deliverance and God gave it to him.  His words may sound harsh, but he was also mourning the loss of his daughter.
    They did not appreciate his honesty, so Gilead (Jephthah's tribe) and Ephraim fought.  After Gilead won the tension ran high.  If an Ephraimite was found in the Gilead territory, then they would be killed.  A total of 42,000 Ephraimites were killed over an assumed slight.  
    Jephthah led the people for another six years until he died.  Izban became the next judge.  He had 32 sons and 30 daughters who married into other clans.  That ensured that he had strong ties within the entire nation.  It was a smart political move.  He led for seven years. 
    When Izban died, Elon became the judge.  He led for 10 years keeping the peace.  Next came Abdon.  Abdon had 40 sons and 30 grandsons.  He owned 70 donkeys, so he was very rich.  He led for eight years bringing wealth to the nation.

Judges 12

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