Saturday, October 10, 2020

Civil War


    I wonder who came up with the title "Civil War".  It sounds so polite, but it is one of the worst things that can happen in history.  A Civil War is proof that people in the same nation cannot or will not work things out. They have dug into their thoughts and offenses to the point that they refuse to try to figure out a solution and understanding.  Sometimes war is necessary, but more times than not if we allow God to do His thing then brutal death and division can be prevented.
    After the Levite sent out his concubine's (common law wife) body parts to make a point, it stirred up the nation.  About 4,000 men gathered to hear about what happened to the woman and to make a verdict of what to do next.  The Israelite nation decided to fight the Benjaminites.  Seems harsh for an entire tribe to be punished for one group in that tribe.
    The Israel nation was determined to purge the Benjaminites and only be 11 tribes.  Take notice, no one has consulted God at all in the last few chapters and things are only getting worse.  The Benjaminites would not go without a fight, so they gathered 26,000 swordsmen and 700 left-handed slingmen.  This was a tribe with a lot of fighting power.
    Finally Israel asked God whom should fight the Benjaminites first.   They may have been victorious if they went together, but the tribes had become so divided that none of them worked together as one anymore.  The battle was a blood bath for Judah.  They lost 22,000 men.
    This shook up Israel and had them question their resolve.  God sent them back out the next day and 18,000 Israelites died.  This got the nation to fast, pray in petition, and make offerings to God.  God had them go out again.  That day, 25,100 Benjaminites died as the city of Gibeah was slaughtered and burned.  The remaining Benjaminites fled and 18,000 died in the desert.  The 600 that survived remained hidden for four months.
    Could things have been different?  Most likely yes.  However, God will use our choices to change things for the better.  We can make the worst decisions possible and God can turn it around.  They chose to slaughter each other and God allowed it.  He can't let His people continue to live in sin.  It has to stop at some point, but we also have to choice to turn back to Him.  The Israel nation did and that is the only good thing that came out of all the mess. 

Judges 20

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