Thursday, October 22, 2020

Faith Leads to Victory

    What does victory look like to you?  Victory is overcoming a hurdle in life, defeating your enemy, or surpassing an opponent.  It is beating the odds against you.  It is the many faces of winning.  However, the most achieving victory is the personal victory of faith.  It is knowing that things will work out when you can't see the outcome.
    The Israelites got their ark back and left it where it was for 20 years.  During that time the people sought God under Samuel's guidance.  He taught them that they had to remove all other gods from their lives and commit their lives to the real living God.  They began by fasting and confessing their sins.  
    While they were getting their relationship right with God, Satan was working against them.  He hates it when we get right with God and will do all he can to stop any progress.  Satan used the Philistines.  They chose this moment in time to attack the Israelites.  
    Samuel had strong faith, so he cried out to God.  God made His presence known through thunder.  It must have been powerful because the Philistines were scared.  When their nerves were frazzled, the Israelites advanced and slaughtered them.  The Philistines that survived were subdued and did not invade the Israelite territory again.  
    Samuel led the people to a life of faith which led to victory.  This victory led to peace with the Amorites.  Samuel was considered a judge, but he really wasn't.  He was a prophit that led the people to faith instead of relying on other people.  Faith's victory may not be obvious to the world, but it will always be the victor.

1 Samuel 7

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