Monday, October 5, 2020



    Vengeance is a word that is full of hate and anger.  We all have been wronged, hurt, or betrayed by someone.  Have you ever been so hurt that you wanted vengeance?  There is a reason why we should leave vengeance to God.
    Vengeance comes from several Hebrew words to describe how to deal with different types of offenses to bring about restoration, retaliation, or punishment.  When people take things into their own hands it turns into revenge.  Even if it may be justified because of murder, adultery, or something else similar, it it better to practice faith that God will use it and deal with it.
    Samson always had what he wanted for the most part.  Women were his weakness because he wanted to possess them and people are not possessions.  People can't be controlled.  When Samson went to visit his betrothed he was told that she had been given to his so called friend.  He felt betrayed.  Since engagements were contracts he had every right to feel that way.
    To add to the offense the father offered the younger sister instead.  Samson left plotting his vengeance.  He captured 300 foxes and ties their tales together in pairs and used them to set fire to the fields of the Philistines.  Samson ended up slaughtering many people in his vow for vengeance.  
    Samson's anger made him a murder which could not be overlooked, so the Philistine army came for him.  This made the Israelites scared of retaliation, so 300 of them tried to give him over to the army.  He allowed them to tie him up, but when the Philistines got near him the Holy Spirit empowered him to break free.  He grabbed a donkey's jawbone and killed 1,000 Philistine men.  
    When it was over his anger had subsided, but he had caused a lot of damage.  His vengeance hurt many more than just the one family.  Yet, he was God's chosen one.  God restored him and allowed him to lead Israel for 20 years.  He led, but he probably never had anyone close to him.  Vengeance may hurt the people that have hurt you, but it drives away the people that could be friends, family, or allies.  It is always better to leave vengeance to God. 

Judges 15

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