Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Jealousy Consumes Part 2


    When it comes to jealousy it is important to keep things in perspective.  If you feed the beast, it will consume your life.  Life will become angry, bitter, and full of hate.  Nothing will be good enough.  You will lose what makes your life special.  You will miss all the good things happening around you.  Let everyone else do their thing and you focus on your journey with God.  Feed your spirit and your life will be vibrant, impactful, and hopeful.
    Saul let jealousy consume him to the point that he desired David's death and in a horrible way.  Jonathan discovered how his father was consumed and chose to protect David.  Jonathan had David hide while he talked with his father.  Saul swore to Jonathan that he would not kill David.
    Saul was calm for a while, but after another battle the evil spirit within Saul drove him to try to kill David again.  The music that David played once calmed the evil spirit, now riled it up.  When David was playing the lyre, Saul threw a spear at him.  
    David ran home to his wife.  This time it was Michal that helped him by using her wits.  She had him flee and she dealt with her father.  Saul was consumed with hate fed by jealousy for a man that should have been like a son to him.  How many times could David escape the clutches of death when Saul was so intent on it.  David went to Samuel, the only person that knew everything and would truly understand and maybe know what to do.  They went off together.
    Saul pursued David.  A miracle happened that saved David's life yet again.  All the men including Saul prophesied.  The king tore his clothes as he prophesied all day and night.  It seemed to bring his sanity back for a little while as he tried to ripe the evil off of himself.  When God is intent  on you living, you will not die.

1 Samue l9

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