Wednesday, November 18, 2020

War Crimes


    There is a the saying "that all is fair in love and war".  There is nothing further from the truth.  We can't do whatever we want.  Living like that hurts many people along the way.  Love is taking care of hearts, feelings, and lives.  War has to have honor or it is meaningless.  That is why there are moral standards and rules on how to behave in times war.  There are laws that have to be upheld.
    The Israel nation was split between the house of David (Judah) and Saul (mostly the Benjaminites, but also the rest of Israel).  Civil war is horrible because you are fighting people you know and maybe love instead of a strangers face.  This particular civil war lasted many years.  David honored God and the code of conduct of war.  This made him become stronger.  He even had six sons during this war when he lived in Hebron.
    While David became stronger, Ish-Bosheth became more like Saul.  I wonder if the evil spirit that haunted Saul moved onto his son.  Ish-Bosheth showed signed of paranoia, but was a coward too.  He accused Abner of misconduct with one of Saul's concubines.  This was the last stray for the commander, so he went to David.  
    David would only meet with Abner if he could get something out of it.  He sent word that he would meet if Abner brought him Michal, Saul's daughter and his first wife.  Michal had been given to marriage to Paltiel many years ago, so this made things complicated.  If Abner brought her, then it meant that he was serious because he would never be able to go back.  It was a good test and strategic move, even if a little cruel.  
    Michal was brought to David and Paltiel followed behind crying because he really loved her.  It is sad for Michal because she was never consulted.  No one ever asked her what she wanted.  I know she loved David once, but what if she loved Paltiel more?
    There was peace between David and Abner, but this was a problem for the brothers of Asahel.  When Joab returned from a raid, he heard that David had an arrangement with  Abner.  He was very upset and went to David saying that Abner can't be trusted, However, David knew how to handle the situation.  
    Joab did not like not being consulted or listened to, so he took matters into his own hands.  He sent a message to Abner to arrange a meeting.  It all seemed harmless, but when Abner arrived Joab and Abishai killed him avenging their brother.  This was a war crime.  When David heard he punished Joab by cursing him and his family with leprosy, being crippled and to die violently or by starvation.  Joab's crime was killing innocent blood because it was not in battle and they were on the same side at that point.
    Abner was mourned because that was not a way a warrior should die.  He was a great warrior and leader, even if he was not a good person.  David paid his respects and made sure everyone else did too.  This proved to everyone that he had nothing to do with the killing.  Joab put David's reputation in danger with his selfish act (even if it was understandable).  David declared that all that did evil should be repaid by evil.

2 Samuel 3

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