Saturday, December 19, 2020

Influences Part 1


    What is influence?  Influence is the power of producing effect without being forced or directed.  It can be good or corrupt.  It is an indirect condition that altars a person's direction or mind set.  We are all influenced by factors in life and people.  At the same time, we are all influencers.  
    The Queen of Sheba was a smart, rich, and independent woman that never needed a man to define her.  When she heard about King Solomon's wisdom that came from God, she had to go meet him.  She saw first hand his wisdom and what it had brought him.  She was overwhelmed which says a lot.  His influence led her to God.  She was so happy that she gave him nice gifts and received gifts in return.  It was mutual respect and honor.
    Solomon was rich which gave him automatic influence in the world.  He used that wealth to invest into the world and people around him.  That is a good influence because he did not expect anyone else to do the same, but it could convict countries near him and spread beyond.  The more he gave, the more his wisdom and wealth grew. He had a life of splendor which attracted people from all over the world.  
    Can you imagine having that kind of influence?  What would you do with it?  I honestly can't imagine what it would be like to have anything and everything that I want at my disposal. I have to work at being creative.  However, I hope that I would use the money, fame, and influence for good and not be selfish or stubborn.  How would you influence the world around you?

1 Kings 10

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      Alert is erani ( עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός)...