Saturday, December 5, 2020



    A troublemaker is rebel, agitator, and ruffian.  You know the saying misery loves company.  Well, I believe that troublemakers have some sort of turmoil going on within themselves and need to stir things up to feel better about their lives or who they are.  Their purpose is to cause dissension. 
    After Absalom's death, Joab had to get David to pull it together for his people.  Joab did what he had to do for the good of the nation and now it was David's turn.  A king doesn't get the luxury of falling apart, so David pulled it together and moved forward.  he did this to show his people that he loved.
    During David's melt down, discourse arose in Jerusalem over who was a better king: David vs. Absalom.  In the end, David was welcomed back.  His dilemma was how to move forward and create real unity in the nation once again.  David began by not issuing the death warrant on the people that followed Absalom, which was his right, and caused him humiliation.  It was risky, but a risk worth taking to show mercy.
   David's nest step was to care for the 10 concubines that Absalom slept with, but he never went to them again.  They lived as widows.  
    He learned that Mephibosheth mourned him until he returned.  Mephibosheth was not an enemy after all and his servant Ziba had betrayed them both.  The nation was divided by Israel vs. Judah.  This was just one example of that
    Sheba was the troublemaker trying to divide his master and David.  He took caused division in the nation.  This forced David's hand to show strength for the nation.  David had Abishai pursue Sheba.  He had to stop the troublemaker before dissension set in.
    Amasa appeared as a troublemaker, so he was killed for causing more harm than good.  Being a leader is a fine line between mercy and a pushover.  It takes discernment to know how to handle each situation as they arise.  After Sheba was killed they all returned back to Jerusalem to try to create peace again.  
    Those that showed loyalty throughout it all were rewarded.  Joab became commander of the army.  Benaiah was over the Cherethites and Pelethistes, like a national deligate.  Adoram was over the forced labor.  Jehosphaphat became the official historian.  Sheva became the court secretary.  Zadok and Abiathar were the official national priest.  Ira was David's personal priest.
    The cost of being a troublemaker can be your life.  It will cost you relationships.  It will label you in a negative way.  We need to be careful how we portray our feelings, political views, and thoughts.  Show loyalty and it will be rewarded one way or another.

2 Samuel 19 & 20

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      Alarmed in Hebrew is  mevohel ( מבוהל).  It is used in the terms of being shocked or shaken.  In Greek it is Anisychiménos (Ανησυχημέν...