Saturday, December 12, 2020

Wise Leadership


    Solomon was blessed with more wisdom than any person that has ever lived.  We can learn so much from him on how to live a more productive life, thoroughly fulfilled life, and how to lead others to their best quality of life.  He was born with an intuition toward wisdom, but the wisdom that he had was more than what he was born with.  It was a supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit.
    From the beginning of his rule he showed his love to God by how he chose to live.  David reign was getting the nation stabilized in God's name, but he had blood on his hands.  Solomon's reign would be establishing comfort and peace focused around God.  That is why he was allowed to build God a grand home.  Solomon built walls around Jerusalem to establish security for his people.  All that happened after his encounter with God.
    One night God came to Solomon in a dream.  He was pleased with how Solomon lived in faith, righteously, and with integrity.  God wanted to give him something.  Solomon was allowed to ask for one thing that he wanted.  He had a humble heart, so he did not hesitate to ask for a discerning heart to know the difference between good and evil, so he could lead his people well.  God was pleased that his response was not for himself, but for his people.  God granted  Solomon his request, but he also gave him riches, honor, and wisdom unlike anyone else.  
    Solomon was able to reveal this new found wisdom when two women came to him with a baby.  They lived together and each had a baby about the same time.  One baby died in it's sleep and the women were both claiming that the living baby was theirs.  Solomon put the story to the test by saying he would cut the living baby in half, then they could share.  The real mom said to give the boy to the other woman to save his life.  Solomon knew immediately the truth and gave the boy back to his mother.

1 Kings 3

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      Alert is erani ( עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός)...