Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A Child Leading


    There is a difference between a man child and a child that has to act like a man.  A man-child has had the time and opportunity to grow up and put childish things away, but choose not to do that.  A child that is forced into a leadership position becomes man and looses their childhood.  Neither are good, but a child leader is tragedy for the child.  
    King Joash became a king at age seven and reigned for 40 years.  He never got to play with other kids or have an ounce of a socialized childhood.  He did have good influences.  He had an aunt that saved his life and priest that raised and help guide his direction of ruling.  
    King Joash rebuild God's temple and chose to follow God until his priest, Jehoiada died.  It was a major loss for the young king.  He never got the opportunity to figure things out on his own.  He never had to deal with the loss of someone so impactful on his life.  It is no excuse to self-destruct, but I think everyone could understand why he did.
    When Joash lost his mentor and father like figure, he began to make rash and harmful decisions.  However, the people had lived under generations of bad kings.  The staff had endured hardship under bad leaders for more decades than could be remembered.  They were not going to go through that again, so two of his officials decided to assassinate King Joash.  He had robbed the nation of all it's wealth, so they felt justified.  
    When Joash died, his son Amaziah succeeded him as King of Judah.  It was a tragic life in many ways.  His death was cruel.  No child should be responsible for a nation.  They need a chance to grow up and figure out important life events and choices out for themselves.

2 Kings 12

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