Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Reform Part 2


    We have already established that reform brings major changes.  Changes that some people like and some people fight.  But, why do we need reform?  Why is someone's conviction put upon other people.  The only time that should happen is if it is for the greater good of all the people or if God commanded it.
    Jehu was a seer for God.  A little different from what God calls witchcraft.  God opened up his eyes to be able to have insight that people would not be capable of getting on their own.  Being a seer or a prophet is not an easy job.  It usually puts the person in very uncomfortable or deadly situations.  In Jehu's case, he had to go confront the king.
    King Jehoshaphat helped King Ahab because of a human alliance.  Something that God never approved of.  He never wants his people to feel secure in things that are not permanent.  An alliance that He had no part of was exactly that.  An insecure truce between people that could change their mind at any time.  Plus, Ahab was a man known for hating God, so he had made a truce with God's enemy.
    God was angry with Jehoshaphat and  Jehu had to be the one to tell him.  Jehu was lucky to have a king like Jehoshaphat who repented immediately.  Other kings had been known to do horrible things.  The king's repentance brought about another reform for Judah.  This time it was focused on God fearing equality in the nation.  
    Jehoshaphat appointed judges and Levites to handle disputes and enforce God's laws.  He was determined not to make the same mistake twice.  His goal was to have a God focused Government that would not be corrupted.  Let me point out that this government directly involved the church.   Equality never works when you separate the two.

2 Chronicles 19

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