Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A Witness


    A witness is a person that sees or experiences an event.  A meeting is a testimony because it is an event that brings recollection of feelings and ideas of another person.  When you meet God, that is a testimony that makes you a witness of who He is.  Being a witness is personal versus witnessing something which can be impersonal.
    God created Heaven and Earth before humans were created.  Yet you are a witness because you can see His details to life.  His creation displays His glory every day, night, season, and year.  God is in the stillness.  He is in every aspect and every part of this world.  Creation is His testimony.
    God created the laws of nature and for how humans can thrive in life.  His law is perfect and should be trusted.  To choose to follow His law brings joy, lightness, purity, and righteousness to your life.  It simplifies things instead of making it more complicated.   Be still and meditate over it to bring clarity to life.
    God will forgive hidden sins like rebellious attitudes, selfish wishes, or bad thoughts.  All you have to do is ask for forgiveness and focus your mind on heart on Him.  We have to follow His laws to follow His path.  It is the indicator on if you are veering off.  He is the redeemer and we are His witnesses.

Psalms 19

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