What is it to be commissioned? A commission is an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or a group of people to complete a particular function. God may commission a person to push His plan forward. Jesus commissioned every person to follow Him. If we took that commission, then we became a Christian. Christians are commissioned to go out and make disciples. So in conclusion, we are all commissioned in something. The question is what and if we will obey?
God commissioned Isaiah in a premonition. In the vision, God is highly exalted. His seraphs (type of angel) are calling to one another "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty, His glory fills the whole earth". His voice was so powerful that it shook the foundation of the temple He was in.
This encounter made Isaiah realize just how unworthy he was to be in God's presence. One of the seraphs flew provided him with the answer to cleanse himself. Fire is what purifies. It can be presented through challenges, loss, or pain.
Once he was forgiven, he was ready to start over. He volunteered for his commission. Hw was willing to do whatever God asked. His commission was to warn people that would not listen to him about God's judgment coming. Only ten percent would even remain in the land.
To go make disciples is to go out and live a Godly life, so that people take notice. Accept the judgment of the world as they wait for you to fall, but teach them. Many will ignore you, but lead the few that listen to accept salvation. Teach them how to move forward and do the same. They cannot understand unless someone teaches them. Why can't you be that someone?
The world is full of calloused hearts. The hearts have to be softened for them to be able to know God's presence. He will reveal Himself when He is ready, but we need to prepare people for that meeting. It may be necessary to have loss to be able to soften a heart to be receptive to hearing God and receive His healing.
Isaiah 6
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