Monday, January 3, 2022

Life Balancing Wisdom

     It can take a lot of work to have a balanced life.  These days, it seems like more and more people are striving for the work, social, religious, and energizing balance life.  You may know what you want in theory, but maybe you don't have a clear picture.  Maybe you don't know what it is to have a balanced life.  It takes wisdom.
    A good reputation is better than being wealthy.  The day you die is a better day to look forward to than your birthday.  Your birthday is your own personal holiday, but the day you die you get to rejoin God if you are a believer.  Death is our destiny, so we should look forward to it instead of fear it.  If you have fear in your heart about death, then you need to do some evaluating.  The knowledge should motivate you to live each day as if it were your last.  There is no more time to waste.
    Sorrow is good for the heart when it comes to learning wisdom.  It is a motivator.  Only a fool will live for pleasure alone.  Listen to the wise people in your life.  When they rebuke you it is to help you in your life's journey.  It helps you find meaning.  A balanced life puts death in perspective.  
    Endings are better than beginnings because you can see the finished product.   You have completed something.  You learn patience which is better than pride.  Anger belongs to the fool, so let go of the frustrations in the journey that want to trap you into becoming an angry person.  Live each day and don't look back longingly.  Expect the best is to come.
    Wisdom is good and it preserves life.  No one is God, but wisdom helps us to understand a little better.  Be happy during the good times, don't wait for the other shoe to fall or you will miss out on being happy.  When it is the bad times, consider what God's purpose is.  Life can't be predicted.  Don't waste your time and energy trying to figure everything out.    
    Avoid extremes in life by fearfully trusting God.  He is all powerful, but He cares about you. Acknowledge that you sin, confess the sins every time to God, and move forward.  Don't listen too much to other people's opinions because we all have limited perspectives.  Don't be too righteous or you will crush people's spirits.
    We all say things that we regret, so apologize and move forward.  Our words do reflect our wisdom, so turn your mind to understanding, investigating, and searching for wisdom.  Understand that the foolish are ignorant and the upright are generally hard to find.  God made us to be upright, but when we leave Him for our own schemes we become fools.

Ecclesiastes 7

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