Sunday, July 17, 2022

Celestial Conflict


    Daniel had a vision of a great war when he was around 84 years old.  (This one vision continues to the end of the Book of Daniel.)  This time he understood that it was about a great conflict.  He had had visions and interpreted dreams since adolescence.  He was getting a feel for the unseen world.  
    Daniel had been in mourning for three weeks.  He had not eaten or drank wine.  He was very weak at this point, but also more susceptible to receive a vision.  He was traveling to Tigris.   The men with him didn't see what he was seeing.  This scared them, so they ran and hid leaving Daniel alone.  At this moment Daniel lost all strength that he had and turned deathly pale in fear.
    In the vison, Daniel saw a man dressed very eloquently.  The man was spectacular.  His face literally shined.  (The man was an angel.)  The man told Daniel that he was highly esteemed, so there was no reason to be afraid.  Daniel listened and relaxed which put him into a deep sleep.  If he wasn't so treasured by God, then God would never had trusted him with all the visions he did see.
    God had heard Daniel's prayers and had sent the mystery man to respond.  He came to help Daniel understand the war in the unseen spiritual world.  Daniel was speechless when he realized how the demonic world influenced the politics.  
    Daniel was overwhelmed to be talking with a celestial being, the archangel Michael.  It took his breath away to the point that he struggled to breathe.  Michael showed him what would happen in God's people in the end of time.  The mystery man touched Daniel again giving him strength and assurance of peace.  He told Daniel what was written in the Book of Truth.  These things could not be changed.

Daniel 10

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