King Nebuchadnezzar began to have strange dreams, so he remanences over how Daniel interpreted his disturbing dreams years before. However, he only did this after he called his magicians, mediums, diviners, and wisemen. His dreams were making him afraid for his life, so he finally called for Daniel.
The king knew that the Holy Spirit was with Daniel, so he understood Daniel's faith. He just did not have faith for himself. It was all a concept. He didn't know how to utilize it or even have it for himself.
Nebuchadnezzar was confident that Daniel would be able to interpret this dream. However, Nebuchadnezzar was a great and strong king. Yet, he would be driven away to be restored later. Then he would be insane for seven years. The king would learn God's ways in a personal way.
Daniel advised the king not to be alarmed. He should renounce his sins and turn from his ways that God declared wicked. He was being ordered to do right and show mercy to the needy. If the king did this, then his prosperity would continue.
The king ignored this advice and a year later it happened. Suddenly, the king had boanthropy where he thought he was a cow. He even ate grass. Eventually, the king honored and glorified. This is when the king saw God as just and his pride was humbled. As soon as he broke his pride, after seven years, his sanity was restored to praise God forever. His kingdom was reestablished, but in a new and stronger way that leaned on God.
Daniel 4
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