Sunday, August 7, 2022

Judgment on God's Nation


    God is patient, but even He has His limits of what He can tolerate.  Three to four sins are too many to overlook.  Sin will be judged which means the sinner will be judged.  Sub is the decision of a person rejecting God and His laws.  Sin is a person turning to another god or making themselves god of their lives.  How quickly the world turns against God's people unless they conform to the world, but is it really worth it?
    Murder is a sin because you steal the life of another.  Selling other people's property for yourself is the sin of stealing and coveting.  Not treating other people with respect or care is a sin.  To deny justice is a sin.  All lies are a sin.  To not recognize all that God has done for you is a sin.  Anything that profanes God's name is a sin.  We are all sinners.
    Judah was charged with unfaithfulness.  That is a bad charge, but it was worse for Israel.  They were not just unfaithful to God, but to each other too.  The betrayal ran deep.  They would even betray their own body for what they probably believed had to be done.  They were wrong.  God has rescued from various things in life.  Why do you forget so easily? 
    As God's people (then Israel and Judah, now Christians) is to be His nation.  You are expected to obey your national laws, so why would you not obey God's when they hold more meaning.  This is when God gets frustrated.   God's wrath will be harsh and there is no avoidance.  It will crush anyone in it's path.   No one is strong enough to even stand before God's wrath.
    We all have to face our lives one day.  We live everyday.  We only die once.  How you live matters.  How your life leads to your death matters.  Are you living only for you or are you choosing to live for something with more significance than just you?

Amos 2

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