Saturday, August 20, 2022

Micah's Calling

    The Word of the Lord came to Micah regarding Jerusalem and Samaria, the capitals of the northern and southern kingdoms of God.  Together they represented God's nation on Earth.  
    Micah was called to pay attention and warn the people what to expect in the years between 750-687 BC.  He was God's witness to all the sins of the world and God's coming to pass judgment.  God's nation would become a heap of ruins to the point that it's foundation would be exposed.  All the pagan items would be destroyed.  God's wrath was coming.
    This was a lot for Micah to take in, so his response was a lament.  He went before God exposed and vulnerable.  He did not want to hear anymore judgment, but wanted to hear something good.  Disaster was immanent, but if he could just see something good to keep him going. He understood that all the rebellious people had to be cut down, but death and war are never to be celebrated.  Fighting against God brings humiliation.  
    Micah was saying farewell in his own way.  It was the only way he could do what he had to do.  He would not be deceived by the leaders.  He would do what needed to be done to support God's complete conquering over the evil in the world.  It would just mean a lot of human loss in the process.  When it was all over, he would not be the only one mourning.

Micah 1

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