Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Run from your Calling


    I have said it before that being a prophet of God was not an easy job.  Not everyone called wanted the job.  Or if they were willing, the task that they were called to do may seem too big.  That was the case of Jonah.  Jonah was probably the least prophet like prophet that was in the Bible, but he did teach us how to respond better.  His name means dove.  
    God's Word came to Jonah with the calling to go to Nineveh.  Nineveh was a very large and wicked city.  He was to call out their sins.  One man (with God) versus thousands of opposing people.  From the human perspective, there was no enticement there.  Jonah had forgotten that God was fighting for him.  Jonah decided he was no up for this task, so left immediately for Joppa to board a ship headed to Tarnish.  It was a better city because it was in the opposite direction.  He was fleeing God.
    God had called Jonah and He was not going to let Jonah just run away.  Once Jonah was out to sea, God sent a great storm strong enough to destroy the ship.  While the sailors fought to save everyone's lives, Jonah was in the bottom level asleep.  The captain woke Jonah in fear for lives of all on board.  The captain wanted help, but Jonah was not offering any.  The sailors had cast lots which revealed that Jonah was responsible for the great storm (maybe a hurricane).
    Jonah found himself being thrown overboard.  The sailors did not want to kill him, but the ship could only handle so much.  There were no other options.  They prayed that he would not perish.  Once Jonah was off the ship the storm ended.  God provided a great fish, maybe a whale, to swallow Jonah.  There he stayed for three days and nights.  God was making a point to Jonah and allowing Gentiles to know who He is.  All this reveals Jonah's spiritual condition and it needed resuscitation.  

Jonah 1

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