Sunday, October 30, 2022

Purpose of Miracles


    Miracles are cool, inspiring, and awe encountering.  Where ever Jesus went he performed miracles: healing, driving out demons, making impossible things happen.  The thing is there were miracles before Jesus and after.  The world being crated was a miracle.  Moses having the Red Sea part was a miracle.  Jesus' disciples healed and drove out demons after he was gone.  Why is it that when we think of miracles that we only think of Jesus?
    Miracles are incredible, but they seem to also distract from Jesus' message.  That is why in the beginning of his ministry he ordered people not to tell what he had done for them.  Jesus knew that the miracles would distract people from his purpose, yet he still perform miracles.  I think it is because he loves people and hates to see anyone suffer.  He helped those that were willing to help themselves.  He couldn't focus on those that watched and took the message in the wrong way.
    The purpose of Jesus' miracles was to display compassion and love.  The miracles were to prove that He would take care of the people's needs.  That he would always take care of our needs.  It was never about the miracles.  It was always about taking care of His people.
    Miracles makes witnesses of those whom see or experience one.  He desires what is best for all of us, but will not tolerate insolence.  Why do we ignore the message a miracle?  Why do we still not understand who Jesus is?  Why do we still reject him?  What is worse, some tested him to try to make him out as a fraud, but all it did was confirm who Jesus is.  Yet, people still reject him.  He used it as a lesson for us not to waste our time arguing with people that have hard hearts and refuse to understand.
    Jesus was rejected by his own people, but he still loved them.  He knew what he was walking toward and no miracle could stop his death because his death was the ultimate miracle.  It is the miracle that built the bridge between God and mankind.  Jesus tried to explain this, but it was beyond the understand or comprehension of his apostles who would witness so much and experience it all.  
    There is a time for everything.  It is not easy to follow Jesus, but it can be harder to sit still for Jesus.  Waiting for his timing is the hardest thing in my opinion.  Following Jesus is not for those that want to stay comfortable in life, but it is the only way to be comfortable in the eternal life.  Following Jesus requires self-denial and that is not the message that the world is giving you.  
    Don't be ashamed.  Follow him proudly even if it doesn't make you popular.  If you are ashamed of him, then you will miss out on experiencing His glory.  Your walk with Jesus will happen in stages.  It takes time to grow.  You will not know and understand everything immediately.  Just don't reject because you don't understand.  Take the time to really understand because misunderstanding will affect how you follow Jesus.  This is about your soul.

Mark 8

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