Tuesday, October 25, 2022

True Relationships


    We spend a lot of time in relationship whether we like it or not.  What we need to do it focus on the healthy relationships to help them grow into true and hopefully life long relationships.  Jesus showed us what true relationships look like.  They are give and take.  Not all give or all take.
    There was a man with a shriveled hands that was in the synagogue when Jesus entered.  Jesus' enemies were watching carefully wanting a reason to hurt him.  Jesus healed the hand to show us that it is better to do good than evil.  Do good without fear of retribution.  In relationships we should always try to do good.  That means biting our cheeks so we don't retaliate sometimes.  Do good and be silent about it.  Let it do it's work, even if the work may be slow.  A hard heart grieves Jesus because he knows what comes to hard hearted.
    People from near and far flocked to Jesus no matter where he went.  He took care of all of them, but he could only invest time into a few.  His presence caused fear in the evil spirits.  It proves that good is stronger than evil.  He was able to control them to the point to drive them out of people, silence them, or anything else he commanded.  
    On a mountainside, Jesus called his 12 apostles to him to anoint them.  They were his chosen relationships to invest into the most.  He taught them how to preach.  He gave them authority to drive out demons.  The 12 friends were: James, his brother John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew (maybe Nathaniel), Matthew, Thomas, Simon (Peter), Thaddaeus (another Judas), Simon, and Judas.  However, James, John, and Peter were in the inner circle, Jesus' best friends.  
    Sometimes the crowd would get so large that there was not enough food to feed everyone.  Sometimes, Jesus was not able to eat because people needed so much from him.  His apostles wanted to send the people away.  They thought that would be the best thing.  Their intentions were good, but not they didn't have the vastness or perspective of Jesus.  Jesus stood firm in his decision not to send anyone away.  That was the opening of the doors for everyone to have a relationship with God.  
    Jesus' own family thought he was insane.  It was just too early.  The people closest to him were just too close to see the truth.  It is a hard situation, but family is always complicated.  They don't always make your life easier.  It may be normal that your family actually put the most challenge into your life.  They did for Jesus.  He chose those that were willing to learn over his flesh and blood.  He chose his family and in return his family chose him.
    Jesus warned people not to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit for that was an eternal testament.  The Pharisees accused Jesus of being the son of Satan.  They refused to acknowledge he got his power from God.  That is sin against the Holy Spirit.  Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven when all others are forgiven.  That sin gives your power to unclean spirits and Satan.  That is why that sin closes the door to a relationship with God.

Mark 3

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