Sunday, November 13, 2022



    Following Jesus is not always easy, but it does have a lot of perks.  First, you get eternal security.   That can never be taken away be time, situation, or people.  Another is that you don't have to follow the conventional rules of people.  You do have to respect authority, but you are not burdened by other people's regulations on how to live your life.  Jesus shows us how to live a free life.
    It is better to have mercy than to be correct.  That means when it comes to arguing over things to the point that no one wins, it is better to keep your mouth shut.  Let the other person dictate, be a bully, or anything else that they will do.  You chose to show mercy by praying for the person and situation, then you walk away so you don't lose your peace.  Being right is not always the right way to handle a situation.  Pride will only make situations worse.  That includes having to have the last word.  It takes humility to not respond.  
    It is a blessing to be poor, hungry, feel sadness, and to be hated for seeking God.  It is a blessing because God will reward your faithfulness.  Those that suffer find God.  The hole in them is filled.  They will discover laughter.  They find true joy.  They appreciate what God gives them when people who have everything probably take it for granted.
    It is worse for the rich, well fed, simply happy, or popular people because they don't know how to need someone.  They don't get to experience the closeness you have with God by depending on Him.  They may believe in Him, but not in a way where there is reliance that builds a special bond.  They don't understand hardship or the comfort that God provides those that endure.  Those that never experience hunger will really suffer when hunger comes.  They will discover mourning and weeping.  They will be forgotten.
    Jesus taught us how to love our enemies.  That may be one of the hardest things God ask us to do.  It is not natural to love people that actively go after you.  However, God wants us to show them goodness even when they attack and go after you.  You are not a fool for following God, but you may feel like one when people input their opinion on the situation.  Follow God because he will not lead you astray.  People never have the full picture, so they can't possibly fully understand.  Love your enemy because God loves you and you were once the enemy of God.
    Be generous to everyone.  Don't lend out things that you are not willing to lose forever because you should never expect repayment or return.  The more you give the more God will provide. The more you let go, the more God will fill with what matters.  Generosity opens the door for people to see your heart.  It is the introduction to treating people as you want to be treated.  A real Christian is gracious and merciful because they received God's grace and mercy.  They understand what it really means and how it can change everything.  After all Jesus loved selflessly.  
    Don't judge people, but offer forgiveness.  The sooner you commit to forgive the easier it is to actually do.  If you can't forgive, then you are asking for judgment.  A life of forgiveness is how you lead others to salvation.  By the way there is a difference between judgment and discernment.  Judgment puts yourself over another person.  Discernment helps you navigate through difficult or dangerous situations.  It helps you make the best decisions.  Judgment closes the door to change or growth or love.
    When you are the student, focus on your learning.  It is not the time to try to teach.  As a Christian you are a life long student of Jesus, but you do get to a point of understanding and application where you can start helping other younger Christians.  There is time to train your mind, heart, and soul.  Don't rush the process or you could cause more damage than good to yourself and other people.  It is all in the name of Jesus, so don't make it about yourself.  Focus on how you can be a better Christain, then help others see things more clearly.  
    Listen, obey, and follow Jesus.  You will see fruit of maturity and the Holy Spirit living within you.  Your heart will reveal your true self either way.  If you are only going to do your own thing, then don't bother praying over something.  Prayer is a conversation with God not a monologue to work our your best plan.  You have to be willing to listen to hard truths and change.  Jesus has authority over it all.  He is the foundation of our faith.

Luke 6

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