Monday, November 7, 2022

New Hope


    When Jesus died it changed everything, but when he resurrected himself all the prophecies about him were fulfilled.  He had given the world a new hope.  He spent his life preparing and showing people how it could be, but his resurrection destroyed the power death has over people.  It gave everyone a new hope, a hope for eternity.
    The ladies that followed Jesus went to anoint his body (covers the stench of decay) the morning after the Sabbath.  It was the first day of the week.  It was the third day after his death, but it had been less than 48 hours.  When they arrived at the tomb the first thing they saw was that the stone over the entrance had been rolled away.  They entered the tomb and discovered a man dressed in a white robe.  He was an angel sitting inside the tomb basically waiting for them to give them the good news about the new hope.
    Jesus makes himself known to people as he traveled.  He appeared different, so not everyone recognized him immediately.  Soon he is appearing in a locked room where the 11 remaining apostles were in hiding.  They had found each other and gathered, but were still afraid that the church would have them killed like they had Jesus.  Some still did not believe that he had risen.
    Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and hard hearts.  After all, he had told them that he would rise in three days.  They should have expected him.  He should not have had to come to them, but them waiting for him.  It was not a cruel rebuke.  It was rebuke done out of love to wake them up and empower them.  It worked.  They were ready for what would come next.  They understood that their life predicament had not changed, but they were now ready to face what may or may not come.
    Jesus instructed them on how to go out and tell the world about the new hope everyone can have.  All it takes is faith and then being baptized into the family.  Then you will be ready to begin the life long journey with Jesus.  If you chose not to believe, then you curse yourself to condemnation.
    Faith can drive out demon.  It can heal.  Faith can heal a person from poison.  It can enable you to speak in tongues or other languages.  Faith changes everything.  It saves your life and more importantly your soul.  Jesus stayed 40 days after his resurrection to really reveal himself to the world and empower ministry.  Then he left the world by ascension to sit at God's right hand.

Mark 16

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