Saturday, December 31, 2022



    Saul was one of many that approved of Stephen being stoned to death.  It was not because he was cruel man by nature, but he was defending his religion.  He put his whole life into this one area and thought he was right.  He could not see his blinds spots that he could be wrong.  The day of Stephen's burial was the day that severe persecution began against Jesus' Church.
    The Church of Jesus followers however saw things very differently.  Stephen was a huge loss for the community.  They mourned him being a martyr.  They did not run just because Stephen was killed.  They all knew the risk for following Jesus, but they also understood the end would justify whatever may happen now.  The apostles had to scatter for the safety of many.  The entire church was affected by these events.
    Saul sought to destroy the church and he imprisoned many Christians to get what he wanted.  He was determined to burn it down to the foundation and destroy the foundation because he believed it all was a lie.  He stood for justice, but he was not able to see that he was hurting justice.  His pursuit caused the Church of Jesus to scatter and many left Jerusalem and he still followed.  This persecution was wide spread throughout the nation.
    Philip began to preach in Samaria.  He brought joy to the people.  There was a sorcerer named Simon.  He heard Philip and became a believer.  He was baptized and began to follow Philip.  This was the beginning of different sects of the new church.  The people followed Philip, Peter, and other apostles or disciples.  It later would become different denominations.  They all believed in the core truth, but interpreted some aspects differently.
    Peter and John came to join Philip with all the discord happening in Jerusalem.  They prayed asking the Holy Spirit to come too.  They laid hands on people and the Holy Spirit came.  They did this with the understanding that money is not part of ministry.  Simon wanted the Holy Spirit to be able to make more money and use the power for his displays.  He revealed his true heart and was denied what he wanted.
    Ministry is about the heart.  We need money to survive, but we can also trust for God to provide.  You can even pray for God to provide financially, but don't go into ministry for money.  If it is about the money, then it reveals a wicked heart.  They preached to repent and ask for forgiveness.  This is how you fight bitterness.  Pray that God removes the venom of wickedness from your heart, so that you can live a completely faithful life.  
    Later Peter and John returned to Jerusalem.  Philip went his own way.  He seemed to do better in foreign missions than Peter and John.  On the road he met an Ethiopian.  He had been in Jerusalem to worship.  He was reading God's Word, but did not understand what he was reading.  He had the heart, but not the understanding.  He needed someone to explain it to him, so God sent Philip.  
    Philip told him about the good news and the Ethiopian accepted Jesus into his heart.  He was baptized along the road when they found some water.  When he arose from the water the Holy Spirit took Philip away to Azotus in Caesarea, about five miles from Gaza.  His job with the Ethiopian was done.  The Holy Spirit would do the rest with him.  

Acts 8

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