Friday, December 9, 2022

Speak Truth


    Jesus taught how to speak and live truth.  He taught anyone who is willing to learn.  However, there are always some people that are just unteachable.  They don't want to learn new things.  They like how things are status quo.
    The Pharisees brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus to try to trap him.  Jesus ws teaching those around him about God's Word.  When they approached, Jesus knelt down to the ground and wrote something from heaven with his finger.  No one was able to read what he wrote, but maybe it was a prayer tp open their hearts or a seal for the moment.  I think the Pharisees were too eager to catch him in something false that they didn't even notice.
    When he stood he spoke truth.  This truth convicted even the Pharisees that they too have sinned.  Jesus did not condone what the woman did, but he brought out the fact that we all fall short of God's standards.  No one is better than anyone else.  The convicted hearts walked off one by one led by the oldest down to the youngest.  As they were leaving he stooped down again and wrote in the ground with his finger for the second time.
    When Jesus stood again, there was only himself and the accused woman.  Jesus turned to the woman who was expecting to be stoned to death for her sin and told her to sin no more.  He forgave her of her sin without her even asking because he saw her heart.  He knew it was broken.
    Jesus then went back to teaching as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  He spoke the truth of who he is.  The truth never leads you astray and it keeps you in his light (his love).  You never have to face the dark again.  It surpassed human concept or standards that human set.  It is powerful truth that his light reveals what is dark.  His truth reveals what are lies in the world.  
    There is no reason to die in your sin.  You can walk away from your sin and be forgiven.  You can live a life of truth that pleases God.  It is a life of faith.  When you step out on faith you become a disciple.  We all should become disciples or in todays terms missionaries.  Until you have faith, you can't hear the complete truth of God's Word.
    The truth sets your mind and heart free.  It may not change your circumstances, but it can change how you handle your circumstances.  You no longer have to be a slave to sin.  As a child of God, you are loved beyond comprehension.  You have to follow the truth faithfully or you can never follow Jesus into Heaven.  Without faith you will die to your sins and that takes you only to one place.  There are two options and not more.
    Set your mind to learn the truth and Jesus' words will become clear.  Pray for wisdom as you learn, so that you can apply His standards in all aspects of your life.  Listen to what the Holy Spirit tells your soul and mind.  
    Satan doesn't understand the truth.  He is the father of lies and has been a murderer since the beginning.  Hate and lies are his natural language.  If you don't protect your mind, then he will twist God's Word into something that it is not.  He doesn't want you to hear or understand the truth.  He will do all he can to make sure that you do not gain understanding or clarity.  
    It is God that is our judge.  He is the one Jesus was trying to point all the glory toward.  If you turn toward God, then Satan loses his power over you.  No one else has the right to judge your heart and soul.  Those whom refuse to step out on faith will never understand.  They get angry and condemn those that do.  Jesus understood this.  That is why he hid himself.  He could only step out in the right time until then he tried to teach truth to everyone.

John 8

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