Thursday, February 23, 2023

Clear Conscience


    Life is full of twist and turns that leave you at fork roads or what feels like impossible decisions.  How do you live life with a clear conscience?  You follow the Holy Spirit in His direction instead of following instinct or desire.  He never leads us astray.  He keeps you in grace and peace.
    Praise God for having compassion.  He gives us comfort sometimes when we may not deserve it.  What would the world be like if we didn't have a God that cares about you as an individual?  He loved us so much that He sacrificed His son's life to give us the ultimate comfort of salvation.  There is no better comfort than eternal security.  However, He provides comfort in every affliction you may experience in life too.  It just stems from salvation.
    With the comfort that God provides and the relationship that He offers, we should be able to live life out with a clear conscience.  He produces endurance through what we live through, but He is there with us every step.  This is why we can have hope in the midst of suffering: emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual.  He is sharing in your suffering.
    We share a lot in life, but we are not fitted into an uniform to live exactly alike.  He gave us diversity.  We all react differently under pressure and the pressure is different for all of us.  It is meant to push us past what we can handle on our own, so that we will turn to God and sometimes allow other people to help us in this time of life.  
    Rely on God to avoid despair.  Despair will make you desire death and He is delivering you from death.  Prayer will help you through by producing a glorious connection and showing you that you have favor with God.  You conscience is your testimony.  It is what directs your mental process in living life, so it reveals if you put God or yourself first.  
    Sincere holiness comes from God.  You can't produce that in your life without Him.  Pray for understanding and faithfulness in character.  This may require you to be flexible and not rigid with your time and space.  An example would be if you like to keep to a schedule, so God may interfere with that schedule to get your attention or show you something that you would have missed otherwise.  
    Life is all for His Glory, so be adaptable so He can use you.  As a Christian you are anointed by the Holy Spirit living in your heart.  He is your witness in all actions, thoughts, and intentions.  It is better for you to work with Him joyfully, so that you can stand firm in your faith.  He is the seal of your eternal faith.  

2 Corinthians 1

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